Treatment Services

Treatment Services

Treatment Services or Therapeutic foster care is designed to address the physical, emotional and social needs of children and youth while providing a safe and nurturing care to a child or youth in a more structured home environment than typical foster care.

The foster home and our Klahre House Alternative School are the treatment setting, and the foster parent(s) are trained and supported to implement the goals outlined in the youth’s treatment plan. These goals include:

  • community integration
  • meeting the mental health needs of the youth
  • eliminating inappropriate behaviors
  • supporting the youth’s educational needs

These goals are carried out under the direction of a treatment team assigned to each child. The team is made up of the foster parent(s), therapeutic case manager, the youth, the state social worker and counseling professionals for the child. Support from all of the team members allows the child to benefit from a home environment and community-based setting while receiving intensive treatment and clinical services.