Donor Privacy Policy

Donor Privacy Policy

The Next Door values and respects your right to privacy.

We ensure proper stewardship of your charitable contributions and ensure that contributions are used in accordance with your written instructions.

We protect your personal information and use the highest standards in gathering, using, and safeguarding your personal and gift information.

The Next Door never shares donor information of any kind with any other parties. We do not sell, trade, rent or give your information to anyone.

We will collect, use and share information about our supporters among employees and volunteers only on a need-to-know basis and for the sole purpose of carrying out our mission.

We educate our employees and volunteers on the importance of protecting the privacy and security of confidential personal and organizational information.

How we collect and use supporter information
The Next Door collects and uses personal information such as name, address, and email address when a donor voluntarily provides it to us. In addition, The Next Door keeps a record of each donor’s giving history. This information is kept on file for IRS purposes and is also used to analyze overall giving patterns to make accurate budget projections. We respect donors preferences for listing their names in our publications. We offer donors the option of anonymity.

Website traffic data and cookies
Each time a visitor comes to we may collect some basic technical information. We may use software to keep track of traffic to our site including the location from which the traffic originates and which pages within the site are being viewed and for how long. We may know for instance, that we had 5,000 hits and 1,000 individual visitors to our website today, but we do not know their names, addresses, or other personal information.

Removing your name from our mailing list
Please contact us at if you wish to be removed from our postal or email mailing lists.

If you have any comments or questions about our Donor Privacy Policy, please call 541-386-6665.